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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » You cannot help who/whom you are. Me too neither. I wonder "why" about things all the time. Know one that especially ticks me off?

You cannot help who/whom you are. Me too neither. I wonder "why" about things all the time. Know one that especially ticks me off?

Those who focus on defects imperfections. Show them a BEAUTIFUL rose garden and they will tell you the colors are inadequate, the roses have thorns that are harmful and then they spend all their time on the weeds.

Then there are those like me who focus ON THE ROSES and admire the beautiful colors and try to avoid the thorns and enjoy removing the weeds while being grateful for the roses.

Now. Which person is happier do you think? The fault focus fault finder fault pointer outer or the rose enjoyer?

Deadly serious here. The fault finders are tiresome annoying and one dimensional. They are so busy finding fault and wailing about it they never ever do see what else is there.  Their loss.

Maybe faultfinding is needed. Without fault finding and striving to make better there would never  be any progress. Right?

Do you live in a world of THORNS and WEEDS? If so howya doin'?

Posted - January 21, 2021
